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Health & safety
policy statement

The purpose of this Health & Safety Policy Statement is to provide guidance towards common goals for RABCON Contractors Ltd. business objectives as they relate to Health & Safety.

The Health & Safety Policy Statement shall be established for the whole company, including visitors, inspectors, and contractors. It is to be used as a basis for all locations and sites of RABCON Contractors Ltd. and its Senior Management team. RABCON will maintain its COR2020 status and will enforce all requirements outlined by the COR2020 Program.

RABCON recognizes that all workers have the right to work in a safe and healthy work environment.  As such, RABCON commits to providing a safe and healthy work environment for the prevention of injuries and illnesses.

RABCON is committed to continual improvement of the program by understanding hazards; implementing controls; collecting and analyzing data; adjusting and amending based on data analysis. RABCON will maintain this program and perform annual reviews of the program, making changes as necessary based on the results of the annual review. RABCON is committed to setting and reviewing OHS objectives and the continual improvement of the OHSMS and OHS performance. 

RABCON’S Health & Safety program has been developed to include participation from, and work jointly with, all personnel and workers involved in the operation of the business. Creating the program as a team and involving participation from different levels of the company helps create a sense of responsibility and accountability around the Health & Safety program for everyone.

RABCON as employer, is ultimately responsible for worker health and safety. As president of RABCON I give you my personal promise that every reasonable precaution will be taken for the protection of workers. Legislative requirements will serve as minimum acceptable standards for RABCON.

Supervisors will be held accountable for the health and safety of workers under their supervision. Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that machinery, tools and equipment are safe and that workers work in compliance with established safe work practices and procedures. Workers must receive adequate training in their specific work tasks to protect their health and safety.

Every employee, contractor and worker of contractor must protect his or her own health and safety by working in compliance with the law and with safe work practices and procedures established by the company.

It is in the best interest of all parties to consider health and safety in every activity. Commitment to health and safety must form an integral part of this organization, from the president to the workers.

RABCON is committed to ensure full compliance with all applicable OHS legal, legislative, and regulatory requirements. Employees are obligated to become familiar with RABCON Company Responsibilities and Guidelines. RABCON’S Health & Safety program requires personal responsibility on behalf of all Employers, Senior Management, Supervisors and Employees to conform to legislative requirements, internal policies and procedures and requires all company personnel to behave in a manner that will not place themselves or any other worker or civilian in danger. 

RABCON’S Health & Safety policy statement will be made available to all employees through both paper copies and electronic copies. It will be posted at all facilities and sites, and in our digital WIJS system. It will be communicated to all employees through various platforms, such as companywide meetings, management meetings, JHSC meetings, Supervisor and Solo Crew Lead Meetings, Toolbox Talks, and Safety Alerts.

young workers
policy statement

The Employee Standards Policy Statement has been created to ensure that all RABCON stakeholders are presented with an equal opportunity. This includes providing a work environment that is considerate of, and accessible by all individuals, and free from discrimination. RABCON is committed to protecting and preserving a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion within the company, and takes part in inclusivity initiatives by actively supporting inclusive businesses in our operations. This includes, and is not limited to, strengthening connections, and working jointly with worker Unions that also demonstrate their commitment to condemning and eradicating all forms of discrimination from the industry. RABCON ensures that individuals belonging to visible minority groups or requiring AODA are accommodated within a reasonable time and works towards removing barriers that may inhibit these individuals from integrating into the workforce.


The Young Workers Procedure demonstrates RABCONs commitment to respecting all children’s Rights. RABCON believes that children are entitled to a healthy and happy childhood, thus RABCON will use all applicable legislation as a minimum standard to implement set rules for the employment of minors and set rules to protect their health and safety.

The purpose of this procedure is to help end children’s exploitation by ensuring that RABCON actively:

  • Secures children’s interests

  • Supports children for their future

  • Protects children’s rights

  • Does not threaten a child’s health and safety

  • Complies with all applicable legislation

RABCON prohibits child labour for reasons including:

  • Child Labour deprives children of their childhood, potential, and dignity

  • Child labour may cause harm to children’s physical, mental, or moral development

  • Child Labour interferes with children’s rights, interests, and is non-compliant with applicable legislation


RABCON supports employment of young workers, if the following conditions exist:

  • The young worker(s) will not be working in hazardous conditions that threaten their health and safety

  • The young worker(s) will not perform hazardous types of work that threaten their health and safety

  • The young worker(s) have completed the following trainings, at minimum

    • Company Intake Orientation

    • Young and New Worker Orientation

    • WHMIS

    • Worker Safety Awareness

  • The young worker(s) are competent and trained for the scope of work

  • The young worker(s) are under strict supervision for the duration of tasks performed

  • The young worker(s) are placed under direct supervision of a Young Worker Mentor for the duration of the tasks performed

  • All action(s) regarding a young worker are discussed in advance with them and their parents or legal guardians


RABCON may approve of light work for children, apprenticeship, or vocational training for students in very specific circumstances. Approval can only be granted by Senior Management, and will be determined through the consideration of several factors, including:

  • The worker will not be working in hazardous conditions that threaten their health and safety

  • The worker will not perform hazardous types of work that threaten their health and safety

  • The worker is competent and trained for the scope of work

  • The worker is under strict supervision for the duration of tasks performed

  • All action(s) regarding the worker are discussed in advance with them and their parents or legal guardians

  • The workers Rights and interests are protected and not interfered with, and all applicable legislation is adhered to

violence and harassment
& conflict management policy statement


The purpose of the Violence and HArassment policy is to protect the well-being of all employees, visitors, contractors, and the general public by providing a work environment free from threats, threatening or intimidating behavior or violence and harassment.



  • All RABCON employees

  • Any other parties (visitors, contractors, suppliers, etc.) while at RABCON workplace locations

  • All workplace locations


RABCON and its Senior Management team recognizes that all workers have the right to work in a violence and harassment free workplace.  As such, RABCON are committed to provide a safe work environment and a work environment that promotes occupational health.  RABCON’S Senior Management team consists of the President, Vice President, HS Department.


RABCON will maintain a Violence and Harassment Program and perform annual reviews of the program, making changes as necessary based on the results of the annual review.  


Part of the annual review a revision of Hazard Assessments noting violence and harassment exposures and be reviewed monthly via Management Monthly Safety Meetings and Quarterly via JHSC Meetings.   


RABCON will conduct, at minimum, one Risk Assessment annually that will assess the risk of violence and harassment for the entire company and its scope of work. RABCON will ensure its review looks at both situational and human factors when assessing hazards and controls.      


RABCON’s Violence and Harassment Procedure is intended to protect workers against the following abuses based on:

  • Sexual Orientation

  • Cultural Differences

  • Gender Identity

  • Race, Language

  • Age


RABCON is dedicated to adhering to the Occupational Health and Safety Act’s standards for violence and harassment.



The purpose of the Conflict Management policy is to protect the well-being of all employees, visitors, contractors, and the general public by maintaining a work environment free from threats, threatening or intimidating behavior or violence and harassment. To maintain a safe work environment that prevents conflict escalation, all employees are always expected to put conflict resolution and conflict management techniques in practice, when communicating with any party.



  • All RABCON employees

  • Any other parties (visitors, contractors, suppliers, etc.) while at RABCON workplace locations

  • All workplace locations

RABCON and its Senior Management team recognizes that all workers have the right to know how to maintain a violence and harassment free workplace. As such, RABCON are committed to promoting a safe work environment where all RABCON employees are aware of RABCON’s Conflict Management Program, this entails providing the appropriate conflict management training for all its employees to recognize and mitigate situations that may lead to violence and harassment. RABCON’S Senior Management team consists of the President, Vice President, HS Department.


Policy Enforcement

Monitor: All employees are expected to be aware of RABCONS policies around Conflict Management and share the responsibility of upholding the policies. All employees undergo Conflict Management training. Conflict Management training encompasses raising awareness about the issues surrounding conflict and developing healthy conflict management skills to de-escalate and cope with stress. If an employee notes that a section of the policy is not being upheld, they should bring it to the attention of RABCONS Senior Management team.

Enforce: Issues and non-compliance will be brought to the attention of the Senior Management team and dealt with on a case-by-case basis by members of the Senior Management and individuals involved in the incident or non-compliance.

Review: RABCON Senior Management will review violence and harassment incidents on an annual basis, making updates and changes in accordance with legislative and internal goals and regulations.


Please note: RABCONs Conflict Management Policy provides current and potential employees with the opportunity to interact with one another in a respectful manner. Well-managed conflict prevents situations from progressing to violence and harassment and is the key to effective communication in high-performing teams


RABCON’s Conflict Management Procedure is intended to protect workers against abuses arising from:

  • Work-related disagreements

  • Personal opinions, beliefs, values, desires

  • Ideas and perceptions, perceived threat

AODA Policy Statement

The Accessibility Ontario Act (AODA) Procedure is to create and ensure that all employees have a work environment that is considerate of, and accessible by all Persons; To improve upon, implement and enforce accessibility requirements to accomplish accessibility for employees. This policy and following Procedure have been established to meet the legislative requirements of the Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) for our Operations in the province of Ontario. RABCON will follow the principles of independence, dignity, integration, and equality of opportunity to make every effort to provide accessible services to our customers workers and stakeholders.

RABCON Expectations & Requirements

  • Communication with all persons shall be done in a manner that recognizes and considers the person’s Disability, including whatever methods may be deemed necessary for making communication accessible and respectful.

  • In the event of a temporary disruption at one of our facilities or in respect of one of our services, the reason for the disruption, anticipated duration, and alternate facilities or services, if any, will be communicated at reception and on our website, or by such other method as is reasonable to the circumstances.

  • The use of Assistive Devices by persons with disabilities shall be supported by all RABCON employees. RABCON shall make the availability of such Assistive Devices known to employees and, where required and reasonable, shall provide such Assistive Devices to the employee.

  • Should RABCON determine that an Assistive Device may pose a risk to the health and safety of any person or to the premises, other reasonable measures to assist the person with a Disability will be made available. It is expected that a person with a Disability will always be responsible and operate their Assistive Device in a safe and controlled manner.

  • All persons with disabilities who are accompanied by a Service Animal, except where prohibited by law, will be permitted at facilities under the care and control of RABCON. If a Service Animal is excluded by law, RABCON will offer alternative methods to enable the person with a Disability to access goods and services where possible.

  • Any employees requiring the assistance of a Support Person shall be entitled to have such a person present at facilities under the care and control of RABCON.

  • Where deemed necessary to protect the health or safety of any person or the premises, RABCON may require a person with a Disability to be accompanied by a Support Person at the workplace or other facility under RABCON’s care and control. If payment is required by a support person for admission to the premises, RABCON will ensure that notice is given in advance.

  • If RABCON determines that there is no other way to protect the health and safety of the AODA person or others on the premises, RABCON will implement a strategy to accommodate and provide services to the person at an alternate premises.

  • Companywide training will be conducted on the AODA and RABCON procedures for accommodating AODA persons at all times.

  • RABCON to complete an annual review of its AODA Procedure and any Plan(s), to identify potential or existing barriers to persons with a Disability. RABCON to implement a corrective action strategy upon review, as needed, to prevent and remove any barriers, in a timely manner, in compliance with the AODA Regulations. RABCON to maintain a record of all multi-year accessibility plan(s) and strategies that have bee established, any corrective actions implemented, any changes to its AODA Procedure and Plan(s), and any worker(s) requiring an AODA Plan.

  • RABCON to complete an annual review of its AODA Procedure and any Plan(s), to identify potential or existing barriers to persons with a Disability. RABCON to implement a corrective action strategy upon review, as needed, to prevent and remove any barriers, in a timely manner, in compliance with the AODA Regulations. RABCON to maintain a record of all multi-year accessibility plan(s) and strategies that have bee established, any corrective actions implemented, any changes to its AODA Procedure and Plan(s), and any worker(s) requiring an AODA Plan.

9 Gormley Industrial Avenue 
Gormley, Ontario, L0H 1G0


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